Link Building Strategy

What is Link building? Link building is the process of getting inbound links, incoming links, inward links, or inlinks (whatever you want to call it) to one's site coming from other web pages or websites. This is actually done to increase a site's link popularity, drive more traffic, and also to increase a site's Page Rank. Search engines like Google uses the quality and number of backlinks a certain site has for their formula to determine how important a site is. Search engines give higher credit to sites that contain large numbers of quality-relevant backlinks. However, some says that the quality of the backlinks is more important than the relevancy. Moving on, let us enumerate the different types of link building:

1.) One-way links - These links are called One-way links basically because these type of links are not reciprocated or in other words, you get links from other sites and they don't get a link back from your site. These type of links are the most valuable links that you can get which tells search engines like Google that your site is very important and having lots of these links will increase your chances of ranking high on SERP.

2.) Reciprocal links - These types of links occur when a particular website links to another site. In return, the website links back to the linking site or if there are agreements between both owners of the two sites. These kind of links are common to noncompeting sites and also search engines like Google doesn't give much value compared to One-way links.

3.) Three-way links - In the eyes of Google, these types of links are nothing more than an attempt to spam the system. However, it has been said that three-way links are difficult for search engines to detect. Here's how Three-way links works: Website X links to website Y, website Y links to website Z, and website Z links to website X. I don't encourage newcomers to do this because as I've said before, it will be detected as a spam. Just avoid doing three-way links and focus your effort in obtaining traditional relevant links.

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Anchor text is the most important part in link building because it tells search engines and visitors what page you're directing them. Therefore, it is advisable to use the right keyword you want to rank high for in your anchor text. An example of an anchor text is ways to make money online.

This will be the appearance of the anchor text if I want to rank for keyword ways to make money online. Pretty simple right?

<a href="">ways to
make money online</a>

To make it more clearer, replace your domain-name with your own domain name and keyword with the keyword you want to rank for.

<a href="">keyword you want to rank for</a>

Now, you are ready to proceed to common link building strategy. One of the popular ways to get relevant back links is to write great articles and submit it to article directories. Don't forget to link back your articles to your site and optimize your article with the keyword you want to rank for. For added info, you can visit my free article directory submission list.

Another link building strategy is to use social bookmarking sites. These sites allow users to share the things they love on the Internet through tagging. This link building strategy has been proven effective to get back links. For more info, you can check out my social bookmarking sites list.

Submitting your site to web directories is also another way to get back links to your site. Though its impact is not like what it used to be, it is still worth doing. You can check out my free web directory submission list for more info.

Participating in forums and other blogs is another way to get a good backlinks. Not only you can get a backlinks to your site, you can also get additional exposure on the web. You can check out my do follow forum sites list and my do follow blogs list for further details.

Another link building strategy is to use a blog and submit it to blog directories and don't foget to link your blog to your site to generate quality links and traffic. You can check out my free blog directory submission list

Link baiting is one of the great ways to get backlinks. It means to create a great article, build useful tool, or something like to be the first to do it on internet that naturally attracts backlink from other web pages by getting other people to talk about it, discuss it in forums, and blog about it.

Keep in mind that in order to make those strategies successful, you need to make sure that the social bookmarking sites, blog directories, web directories, article directories, forums, and blog commenting should be in a dofollow attributes. To check that, you simply view the page source code and hit F3 or ctrl + F on your keyboard and type the word rel="nofollow" or just simply type "nofollow" in the small box that appears after you press F3 or ctrl + F. Much better if you can find a do follow list on the web.

Comments :

13 comments to “Link Building Strategy”
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